Sunday, February 17, 2013

Understanding different cultures

Title: Understanding different cultures

Topic: Cultural relativism (Indian practice of Sati)

Source : 1. Robbins, Richard H. Cultural Anthro. Cengage
                  Learning, Belmont, CA 2012 Objectivity and Morality
              2. Spradley, James., McCurdy, David W. Conformity and
                  Conflict. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River,
                  New Jersey, 2009  
              3.  The data that I used for this lab report comes from a
                   video which was aired on “Good Morning America”
                  :“Gay marriage should be legal.” by Obama’s saying

Relation: Chapter 3 in CC pages 23-32, Chapter 1 in RR, specifically pages 12-13 that talks about Cultural relativism

Description: Description: The article in CC chapter 3 Laura B makes an attempt to explain Hamlet one of Shakespeare’s story. But there was conflict in the understanding of Hamlet because of the different cultures and views about certain concepts such as marriage and gender role. For example, according to the Elders from the Bush tribe, “the younger brother marries the elder brother’s widow and becomes the father of his children. Now if your uncle, who married your widowed mother, is your father’s full brother; then he will be a real father to you.” And this fact made the author Laura upset because it was hard for her to accept Tiv’s culture. This kind of different point of view and culture let Laura to explain Hamlet in Tiv’s way. Another example of misunderstandings others culture can be seen in RR (p.12~13) which explains what “Cultural relativism” is and gives an example of Indian practice of sati, the burning of a widow on her husband’s funeral pyre. It also mentions that it is important to understand culture differences as like cultural relativist. In addition to the two examples previously mentioned, I used a video where Obama stated the gay marriage. It shows that President Obama’s views on same-sex marriage have been evolved over two years. Through this video, it is noticeable that there are many discrimination and inequality towards homosexual people even in America where known as “The nation of Freedom.” President Barack Obama stated that he strongly supports LGBT (Lesbians, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community. “At a certain point, I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,” Mr. Obama said.

Analysis: First of all, chapter 3 in Conformity & Conflict mainly talks about the author Laura’s experience in Tiv’s culture while she was telling the story of Hamlet. Tiv people had been confused because they cannot understand the story of Hamlet with their culture concept. So that they had to ask Laura all the time when they cannot understand with their culture background. Those questions that Tiv asked made her upset because she cannot accept their culture background differences based upon her own culture.  Through this article I could learn that the differences between each culture can create misunderstanding. “One can easily misinterpret the universal by misunderstanding the particular.” (CC p.23) Also, in RR, which talks about cultural relativism, shows that the importance of understanding in one’s culture with their cultural concept. Sati which is given as an example for this article might not be satisfactory to other culture. Some might think this practice is cruel and unimaginable, but for the people in India it is acceptable culture. Therefore, we should try to understand each other’s culture based upon those each other’s own way. To add more we need to respect each other’s differences in culture. I think culture shock is pretty much related with cultural relativism. I have an experience of having a culture shock since I came to U.S. I was shocked when I heard that Obama insisted that the gay marriage should be legalized. Based upon my culture perspective, this is exceptionally extraordinary and not going to be accepted at all. So at first I thought that this law is weird and also cannot be endorsed as a legal law. However, when few states legalized gay marriages, I realized that I should not define homosexual issue with my perspective created by Korean culture and these ethnocentric biases may can blind me the alternatives.